The messaging platform Telegram has significantly increased its user base to 950 million and gained momentum in Web3 gaming in 2024. As mini-games began attracting users with token rewards on Telegram, a notable growth occurred in this sector. Games developed over the TON Blockchain captured the interest of Telegram users. A statement made in August revealed that approximately 20% of the platform’s users actively engaged in gaming.
Turning Point Initiated by ‘Notcoin’ Game
The launch of the ‘Notcoin’ game at the beginning of 2024 paved the way for gaming development within the TON ecosystem. The game’s substantial success was bolstered by a massive token AirDrop. The $1 billion AirDrop conducted in May facilitated the distribution of 80 billion NOT tokens to users.
Martin Masser, the business development manager at Ston.Fi, stated that “Notcoin” achieved this success and outlined a new roadmap in the gaming world. However, Masser cautioned that such ...